Frequently Asked Questions
The following FAQ’s are answers to questions that we have received over the years. We hope that this will be a helpful resource for your family as you seek to learn more about our school.
As an additional resource to the below, the following STMA podcast episodes discuss the FAQ’s in detail:
We have heard that STMA emphasizes student formation. What is student formation?
Simply put, student formation is the formation of the whole person (physical, mental, spiritual). This formation begins in the home, of course. We are blessed that our students’ parents have chosen to enroll their children at STMA to continue that formation. Students are constantly being formed in how to study and learn well, engage with adults, engage socially with peers, and engage with our Lord during their time at STMA. For more information on student formation and why we say “trust the STMA process”, please listen to our podcasts on this subject:
How We Handle Academic and Behavioral Formation
Is STMA accredited by an accrediting agency?
No, STMA is not accredited by any for-profit, private accrediting agencies. These agencies are separate from the state, but purportedly ensure that schools meet minimum standards, which are set by the state for public and charter schools. We have chosen to forego the accreditation process that is time-consuming, comes with high costs, and regulations that do not necessarily improve outcomes. Accreditation would also limit our freedom to hire the best instructors and tailor the curriculum. Our classical liberal arts and college-preparatory education delivers exceptional outcomes in the form of exceedingly well-formed graduates. There exists a school of thought that accreditation equals excellence, but this is not always true. As an example, all public schools are accredited, but many offer unsafe learning environments and poor educational outcomes. St. Thomas More Academy goes over and above the minimum standards and limitations, these types of agencies accredit.
Does lack of accreditation affect college acceptance? Will my student need to take extra classes before college?
No, college acceptance does not depend on whether a school is accredited or not. As an example, consider homeschooled students who have been accepted into college despite the lack of accreditation. Students who graduate from STMA are more than prepared academically (not to mention emotionally and spiritually!) for college and do not have to take any extra classes to be accepted into college.
How is STMA able to maintain such low tuition costs?
This question is a very reasonable one given the fact that many times quantity equals quality. That is simply not the case at STMA. It is the vision and mission or our founder and benefactor, Mr. Robert Luddy, to provide quality education at a cost that families can afford. Our tuition remains low in order to make his vision and mission a reality.
Does STMA offer a sibling discount or other forms of financial aid?
No, STMA does not offer a sibling discount. Financial aid is available through the NC Opportunity Scholarship or a similar form of outside aid (such as an existing scholarship).
Is STMA only for exceptionally bright students?
We believe that STMA forms exceptionally bright students, but every year our incoming class averages on the ISEE placement test are just below the national mean. As families are discerning placement at STMA, it is important to understand that the type of students that excel at our school are those who have a strong work ethic and are what we describe as fully engaged in the classroom.
How long does the admissions process take and when are admissions decisions made?
The admissions process consists of an online application, entrance exam, submission of school records from a student’s current or most recent school, and recommendations. Details may be found on the Admissions section of our website here. The length of the process largely depends on how quickly an applying family completes the requirements.
Applicants interested in applying for the 2025-2026 academic year:
- The admissions process begins September 1, 2024.
- The admissions deadline is February 2, 2025.
- Decision letters will be sent the first week of March 2025.
After March, if there are remaining seats, admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis until all spots are filled. Students who apply after this time may be placed on a waiting list.
What happens after a student has been admitted?
Once an admissions decision has been made, a Commitment to Enroll must be signed by each family and student. Once the Commitment to Enroll has been received by the Admissions Office, each family will receive access to our on-line enrollment packet, where the $300 (tuition deductible) enrollment fee may be paid and supplemental documentation completed and submitted. A student is enrolled for the upcoming academic year after the enrollment packet has been completed. Information about the upcoming school year, including financial aid awards and tuition set up, will be sent to each enrolled family during the summer months.
How much homework is assigned?
Upper School: Several years ago, STMA moved to an intentionally lower homework model in our Upper School. We have worked hard to eliminate “busy work” assignments outside of class. In some classes, there will be no homework. In others, there will be very limited work assigned outside of class. All students have built-in silent work periods during the school day. Reading assignments are not considered as homework. Reading and writing assignments, by nature, occur outside of class and vary in length depending upon individual student motivation to complete the assigned book or writing assignment. Some students may spend more time on reading and writing than others, causing longer periods of work at home.
Middle School: There is very little homework in middle school, mainly consisting of extra math practice as needed. Just as in high school, reading assignments and studying are not considered as homework and students have built-in silent work periods each day.
Do you offer AP or International or Baccalaureate Classes?
Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate classes do not fit well with our classical liberal arts curriculum. These programs are usually taught from a textbook and to a test, neither of which follows our approach of the formation of deep and critical thought on important subjects.
While we do not offer AP classes, students may participate independently in AP classes online and STMA faculty will facilitate the AP exam.
Core classes at STMA offer honors sections, which allow students to dive deeper into subjects of interest and provide a GPA boost.
Are leveled class options offered?
No, STMA does not offer leveled classes in either our Middle School or our Upper School.
Students in the Middle School track together but will be placed in separate math tracks beginning in the 6th-grade year (as applicable) to best prepare for high school math.
The Upper School core classes offer honors sections, which allow students to dive deeper into subjects of interest and provide a GPA boost.
How do you handle math placement?
By our nature, we are conservative about math placement. We believe students should possess mastery of math skills before advancing to higher maths.
In the Upper School, our math department considers the student’s ISEE score, as well as a math placement test given during the first week of school, to properly assess math placement. A student may be placed in one of three math offerings: Algebra 1, Geometry, or Algebra 2.
In the Middle School, beginning in the 6th grade year, separate math tracks will be offered, as applicable, to prepare students for high school math. The student’s ISEE score and the score on an in-house math placement test will be used to determine math placement.
Does STMA have a STEM program?
STMA focuses on the whole person, not particular parts. Specialization in education for children has been shown time and again to be problematic. This said we do offer outstanding core and elective classes in science, technology, engineering, and math. In fact, taking elective offerings into consideration, students at STMA have perhaps more opportunities for STEM classes than at any other high school. After graduation, the majority of our alumni successfully pursue degrees in STEM fields and do extremely well in their college and university classes.
Do you provide IEPs or make accommodations for learning disabilities?
STMA does not provide Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for students or make accommodations for learning disabilities. At our tuition level, we are unable to make curriculum accommodations for learning disabilities.
Do you allow extended time for tests?
No, we do not allow extra time for tests. Our experience has been that students learn to complete tests in the allotted time. This is beneficial preparation for college and careers beyond.
Do you provide tutoring?
We do not provide school-administered tutoring. Teachers may provide additional support to students who request assistance. Upon teacher suggestion, peers who excel in specific subjects may offer tutoring assistance, but it is the student’s responsibility to follow up on the suggestions, demonstrate self-reliance, and seek out time before school, during lunch, or after school to obtain tutoring help from peers.
Classroom disruption has become an issue in many schools. Is it a problem at STMA?
We prize classrooms ordered to learning and enjoy the blessing of classes with students who are working hard to remain positively engaged in the material at hand. For this reason, we cannot and do not tolerate classroom disruption. Please listen to our podcasts on Student Formation above for more information.
Are students allowed to bring personal computers, tablets, or smartphones/watches to class?
Aside from graphing calculators for math classes, we do not allow any personal technology to be used by students during the school day. High School and Middle School students’ phones must be left, turned off, inside student lockers. Smart watches may be worn, but must be removed during testing. This is not an anti-technology policy. We understand the important role technology plays in our lives today, as well as in the modern economy. In fact, students are expected to use technology to communicate with their teachers, as teachers will often email students (in addition to parents) regarding class assignments, quizzes, and tests.
STMA has a dedicated technology center that Upper School students may utilize before school, during lunch, and after school to work on papers and projects and to communicate with their teachers via email, as needed.
How many days of school are students allowed to miss a year?
STMA does not describe absences as excused or unexcused. Students may miss up to fifteen (15) full school days in an academic year at family discretion. This policy is strictly enforced and students who miss more than 15 days may not be allowed to continue their studies at STMA. For example, if a student is involved in an extracurricular activity that will require him/her to miss school often (i.e. traveling sports teams, dance companies, etc.), STMA may not be the right fit for that student.
Does STMA have Prom or other school dances?
The STMA Upper School does not have Prom in the traditional sense, but we do have a formal dance in the spring called The Chancellor’s Ball. Our juniors and seniors prepare for this by learning social forms of dance every week during the school year, which they demonstrate with their partners and other peers during the Chancellor’s Ball. We also offer other dances and social events for both middle and high school students throughout each school year, which are organized by our Student Council and Parent Student Organization.
Do you have PE classes?
Upper School – Given the restraints of our core curriculum and schedule, we are unable to offer Physical Education classes for the Upper School at this time. Occasionally, there may be options in the form of electives. We do, however, participate in school-wide walks around our campus during morning break three days a week; we also enjoy long lunch periods when students are encouraged to go outside and be physically active. We often see students enjoying a game of frisbee or corn-hole during the lunch period, as well as after school during the carpool period. Upperclassmen take social dance classes every week (in preparation for the Chancellor’s Ball in the spring); and once a month, there are swing dances during lunch. Additionally, more than half of our student body participates in sports and we offer a strength and fitness club after school to all faculty and Upper School students.
Middle School – P.E. classes are offered daily for middle school students.
Does STMA offer band classes?
Unfortunately, we do not, but there are many opportunities throughout the year for students with instrumental gifts and talents to share them with the school community (this includes opportunities in some theatre productions). An important part of a classical curriculum is the offering of music. All middle school students are placed in music class. All students may participate in the choir during Mass.
Are seniors allowed off-campus for lunch?
We do not allow students to leave campus for lunch. There are a number of reasons for this decision, the main one being that we want our seniors to remain on campus to interact with the rest of the school community. Additionally, a number of our clubs and activities occur during lunch. We often schedule food trucks on campus during lunch and provide feast day lunches to students throughout the year.
Do you require service hours?
Students are required to participate in school-organized service trips with classmates each of their four years in the Upper School and three years in the Middle School. Service hours obtained at STMA may be used towards Confirmation service hours (but please consult with your parish to confirm this).
Do theology classes at STMA count for Confirmation classes?
STMA Theology classes do not count as confirmation classes in the Diocese of Raleigh.
Is Confession available at school?
Opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation are often made available during lunch following the weekly Mass. This is dependent upon the individual priest’s schedule.
We’ve heard that some students who do well in middle school have struggled at STMA. Is this true and why?
Stress would need to be placed on the word “some”, but yes, it is true. It would be impossible for us to explain this definitively, but what we know is that sometimes middle school grades do not match entrance exam scores. For example, a student receives an “A” in 8th grade Algebra I, but fails, by a wide margin, the Algebra section of our placement test – as well as our Math Department Placement Test. Again, it is nearly impossible for us to explain this discrepancy, but it suggests large gaps in content delivery and mastery.
STMA welcomed the first 6th grade in the fall of 2020. We grew to a full middle school (grades 6-8) in the fall of 2022. We welcomed our first 8th grade graduates into our freshman class in the fall of 2023. Our middle school has served to address the issue of lack of proper preparation for a large majority of students eventually entering 9th grade at our school.
Is STMA a good school for boys?
This is one of the most unusual questions we have received in recent years and the answer is an unequivocal YES if the hoped-for outcome is well-educated, virtuous, young men of God. In our nearly two decades of Catholic liberal arts education serving Raleigh, NC, STMA has graduated many of the finest young men we know and are proud to call alumni of the Academy. We are especially proud of Fr. John Kane, Fr. Michael Schuetz, and Fr. John DeGuzman. STMA graduates and priests of the Diocese of Raleigh, as well as Diocesan Seminarians Robert Lane, Jorge Rodriguez, and Austin Davis. Additionally, Father Leo Dornan of the Oblates of St. Philip Neri is an alum. Given so many priestly and religious vocations in such a short time from our relatively small school, it would stand to reason, at least from this standpoint, that STMA is indeed a wonderful school for boys to grow and learn to discern the will of God in their lives.
What is the student culture like at STMA?
This particular question is not unique to STMA, as it has become somewhat the norm in recent years for prospective parents to inquire about the “culture” of a school. At STMA, we focus on cultivating kindness, for that is paramount in the Christian life of charity. We are called to love each other as Christ loves us and living lives of charity through acts of kindness and mercy are the avenue by which we demonstrate that love. Students at STMA are generally very welcoming of each other. Does that mean that no one will ever experience an act of unkindness? No, just like in life, we will all experience unkind words or deeds at the hands of our fellow man. However, our administration and faculty go to great lengths to guide our students in cultivating a life of kindness, both inside and outside of school. If a student experiences unkindness in any way (via actions, words spoken in person or on social media, etc.), that student and/or the student’s parents should bring concerns to the school’s administration (Dean of Students, Dean of Faculty, and Headmaster) to address. Though we are a small school, our faculty cannot see/hear every interaction between students (especially those on social media), so we must partner with families to ensure students are thriving at STMA.
Most Reverent Bishop Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington (Formerly Bishop of Raleigh)
Catholic schools play an essential role in the future of our Church and Diocese. Recognizing that parents are the first and primary educators of their children, Catholic schools enter into a unique partnership with them. STMA is positioned well to assist parents in this endeavor. As a school officially recognized by the Diocese of Raleigh, it is dedicated to the authentic teaching of the Faith and provides families with a valued option in Catholic education. -
Alice von Hildebrand, Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, Hunter College
God is always calling his people to the vital task of “renewing” authentic education. One enterprise that deserves our special praise and gratitude is St. Thomas More Academy. Thanks to the astounding generosity of its founder, Bob Luddy, and the unswerving efforts of its faculty, it has born rich fruit in its many students. We, both laity and clergy, have a great debt of gratitude to those who pour themselves into creating schools like St. Thomas More. Let us support them in every way possible. And let us not miss the chance to give our children the privilege of a real education. -
Timothy Moran, STMA '13
"STMA planted in me the desire to never be satisfied with mediocrity but to always strive for excellence and gave me the tools to navigate in a world that demands complacency. I continue to utilize lessons learned at STMA in my personal life and leadership style in the military. Above all, STMA fosters a desire for greatness in students that I don’t see possible in a different environment. I hold this to be the key difference in my upbringing."
1st Lieutenant, United States Marine Corps. -
Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J., Ph.D., President Emeritus, Gonzaga University
I’ve had the good fortune to present at STMA on multiple occasions. My subject matter, which draws from contemporary physics and philosophy, can be fairly demanding, but the students not only assimilate the material but ask very perceptive questions. I believe that the STMA faculty is the driving force behind these exceptional young people. I’ve been highly impressed by their knowledge and commitment to the students. For preparing teens to meet contemporary challenges brought about by the interaction of faith and secular culture, Saint Thomas More Academy offers one of the finest secondary programs in the nation. -
Sarah Dawod, STMA '15
"STMA leaves a mark on the minds of its students by attending to the formation of their intellect, heart, body and soul. My experience at STMA was nothing less than transformative - this is a result of the time and effort each and every one of the faculty members poured into me. "
NCSU '19 Honors Biology with Concentration in Neuroscience, Minor in Health, Medicine & Human Value, University of Pittsburgh, MA Bioethics '21 -
Dr. Anne Carson Daly, President Emeritus, Mount St. Mary College
It’s a breath of fresh air to walk through the doors of St. Thomas More Academy. The administrators and faculty care about educating the whole person. The students are obviously happy to be there [and] are getting a terrific education that emphasizes what counts and what lasts. Spending time at STMA makes me wish that all students could have the opportunity to study there. -
Adriana Watkins, STMA '16
"STMA opened my eyes to the ways in which different disciplines are connected. I'm grateful to STMA for encouraging me to pay attention to the depth and breadth of truth.”
Boston College 2020, Majors in English & French, Minors in Philosophy and Creative Writing -
Dr. John F. Crosby, Professor and Chair of Philosophy, Franciscan University
My wife and I visited St Thomas More Academy in 2011, and we were greatly impressed by the politeness of the students. I attended an English class that had almost the level of a college course. I gave a lecture to an assembly of all students, and I was struck by the intelligent and articulate questions I received from them. I went away wishing that I could send my own children to a school like St. Thomas More Academy. -
Irene Bethencourt, STMA '17
"I value STMA for its teachers who care about the personal enrichment of each student in and way beyond the classroom. In college, it is almost impossible to have this connection with teachers so I remember it fondly from STMA. It reminds me that there are teachers out there who value more about their students than just their academic performance."
UNC Chapel Hill 2021, Major in Nursing -
Sister Mary Sarah Galbraith, O.P., President Emeritus, Aquinas College
STMA provides a rich environment that allows each student to flourish and become who they were meant from all eternity to be. In fall 2013 a recent graduate enrolled at Aquinas College. I was able to see a direct correlation between the caliber of teaching and learning in a thoughtful, Christ-centered community and the impact that STMA’s integrated formation had on the young man. He brings his good qualities of mind and heart into every aspect of life and by his example encourages others to follow his lead. -
Andrew Mistele, STMA '18
"STMA's community is totally unique in the best way. I formed some of the most meaningful relationships of my life there and grew personally in ways that have prepared me for life and all that comes after high school. As an engineering major, I believe that STMA's liberal arts curriculum taught me to see the world in a different way than most of my peers, which has already proved very advantageous.”
NCSU 2022, Major in Aerospace Engineering, Minor in Mathematics -
Aubrey Leaser, STMA '19
"St. Thomas More Academy is led by a strong and devout faculty that shares a deep love for the Catholic faith and seeks to bestow the same love in the next generations. In the four years that I spent at STMA, I found assurance in my faith and the knowledge to pursue my interests. I was taught how to think critically and to formulate strong arguments. Since entering college, I have realized that I am better prepared than many of my college peers, both academically and socially. I attribute this to my time spent at STMA, as it was there that I learned to love learning and was given the tools necessary to succeed."
University of Virginia Class of 2023, Major in Biology
3109 Spring Forest Rd
Raleigh, NC 27616
Middle School Campus
5605 Spring Court Rd.
Raleigh, NC 27616